Join The Fellowship

Join us in The Fellowship!

You're not the only one struggling.

It's time to stop feeling alone and unworthy. Your kids need a happy-ish, healthy mom who's humbly rejoicing in Jesus. 

Transform your family by starting with yourself.

Just like these Fellowship mamas!


The Fellowship will help you:

  1. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are NOT the only one and you are NOT alone.
  2. Teach you how to manage your mind, taking your thoughts captive and directing them to Jesus and all the very BEST thoughts he's given us to think!
  3. Learn how to apply the gospel to your daily life, using the sin and struggle often so tangible and unique in motherhood as a catalyst to draw nearer to Christ and enjoy him more. 


"My marriage is in such a better place and my kids don’t feel they have to walk on eggshells when Mom gets home from work."


"Honestly this group has changed my life and I can't wait to see how much more the Lord helps me grow through my issues."

Join The Fellowship


of the guilt and shame that puts you to bed at night


by learning to take your thoughts captive instead of spiraling destructively

BE more patient

rather than just fake it


the little moments with your kids instead of sabotaging it with the to-do list


of the resentment you harbor toward your husband


that your kids will want to stay connected and close (AND be interested in Jesus!)

Share the GOSPEL

with your kids in a humble, authentic and compelling way


your kids can have a happy mom

you stop missing out on their childhood and actually enjoy it

your marriage will be stronger than ever when the nest empties, rather than left in shambles

creativity and joy can dominate your family culture, rather than shame, anxiety, anger and disappointment

you can look forward to a lifetime of connection and conversations with your kids as they grow into adulthood

Join The Fellowship


"Having the community of other perfectly imperfect Christian women surrounding me helps me to see I’m not alone in my struggle, and also helps provide accountability for going through the coursework. I’ve started revamping my relationship with Jesus and learning more about who He is from the courses and other women in the group, and that in itself has started a shift in my entire worldview!"


"This is a way to connect without shame. We don’t throw each other’s sin back in each other’s face. We’re in this together. Moms need that. It's freeing to have other ladies say, 'I've thought that too. I've been there. I've done it. This is what helped me.' Versus doing it all alone."

The Fellowship includes these exclusive courses:

What is God's will for your life? Are you "living out your calling?"

In this course, I teach you a repeatable process to discern your vocation (calling). Most of your vocations change throughout the seasons of your life. A couple don't. Sorting that out can help position you to stay calm and content, focused on what God is actually calling you to and able to let go of what he is not.

Has anyone ever taught you how to manage your mind?

How many hours/week do you spend cleaning your house? 1?5? more? How many hours/week do you spend cleaning up your mind? Have you ever been taught how to do that?

You know the Bible verses: take every thought captive and be transformed by the renewing of your mind and out of the heart the mouth speaks and whatever is praiseworthy and good, etc. think of these things....but has anyone ever walked you through the process, step by step, of how to have a disciplined thought life? In this course I will teach you how to practice having a captivated thought life, proactively directing those thoughts to the BEST thoughts, the ones that God Himself has already given us to think.

Shame does not want to be detected. It stays under the radar, quietly separating you from God and from others.

Shame sounds like this:
"Why did you just do that?"
"What's the matter with you?"
"If people really knew you they wouldn't like you."
"Nobody likes you."
"You fool. Did you think you were good at that?"
"You don't deserve these children."

And many other insidious phrases, often half-true, all designed to keep you from what you made for: connection and creativity. In this course, I will teach you how to recognize this voice, "shirk the shame" and connect and create, emboldened by God's love for you poured out on the cross of Jesus Christ. This one's my baby, y'all, I love this course!



private membership community

  • 24/7 access to a grace-filled community where you can be known - the wisdom and camaraderie of your fellow gospel-hungry, drama-free mamas in private, online-but-off-social media membership community
    • professionally moderated discussion forums for giving and receiving solid advice, feedback and encouragement
  • curated, step-by-step, courses, walking you through the process of change: 
    • Your Calling, Clarified
    • Your Thoughts, Captivated
    • Your Shame, Crucified 
  • Group coaching calls at least 2x month
    1. One to go deeper in the content
    2. Another to learn how to actually apply in in your daily life

Stop walking through your motherhood thinking you're all alone. You're not.

Get in here, friend. We are your people. 

30 Day Refund Policy: If within the first month you decide it's not a good fit, we'll give you a refund.