Christmas Special: Half off the Fellowship Group!
Dec 13, 2021Want to give your kids the gift of a happier mom?
You will need concrete, step by step help to create real change in your heart and mind.
"By putting these 3 lessons into practice, my whole family was effected by the trickle effect. It has greatly changed my family dynamic. Don't let this one slip by mamas!"
You will need a community of drama-free, gospel-hungry mamas to support, know and love you.
"I now have a community of moms that I can go to. There's beauty and there's healing in being vulnerable. It's life-changing. It's a personal step and it's a scary step but it is well-worth taking."
Transform your family by starting with yourself with the support of this private membership community and premium course content.
- curated, step-by-step content, walking you through the process of change
- private, safe, motivated community of like-minded mamas all committed to working on their own transformation
- 24/7 access to support, content and community
- periodic group coaching and socializing opportunities
- peer-led book studies
- professionally moderated discussion forums for giving and receiving solid advice, feedback and encouragement
Christmas Special: HALF OFF the subscription price for the Fellowship group!
That means if you lock that in this month, you will stay at that rate (just $50/mo)!
"Honestly this group has changed my life and I can't wait to see how much more the Lord helps me grow through my issues."
This excerpt is from our free workshop All I Want For Christmas is MORE PATIENCE. It's still on replay in the free group!
Take a look inside the course, Your Shame, Crucified. Do YOU know what shame sounds like in your head? You better. ;)