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Talking To Your Kids About Sex, Media And Porn

#badchristianmoms #letstalkaboutsex #talktoyourkidsaboutsex Jun 07, 2022

If you ever feel bewildered and lost on how to talk to your kids about sex, sexuality, media and porn, then you are in luck. John Fort, from BeBroken Ministries, loves helping parents feel more confident having conversations with their kids that will help them navigate all that this crazy, broken world has to offer.

This interview was actually even better than I thought it was going to be...…😜

It made me feel hopeful and motivated and ready to put in to action a bunch of takeaways from John Fort's interview with us. (Btw, here's the book list he promised!)

I strongly recommend you watch this replay if you missed it. I mean, I almost want to say, I beg you. I beg you to watch this, for the sake of your children. Some of these key perspective shifts and suggestions could make a huge difference in how your kids navigate the sex-saturated media and porn-at-your-fingertips world we live in.

There is so much hope in Jesus Christ, my darlings. And I'm not talking about a misguided hope that we will be able to protect our children from the brokenness in the world nor that we will be able to somehow produce right and righteous children apart from the gifted righteousness offered in Jesus Christ.

But there IS hope. An ocean of hope.

For forgiveness.
For redemption.
For connection and relationship.
For joy, healing, love.

John is joining me for a private, client-only coaching call next Tuesday for all my Transformation and Fellowship mamas. We are opening enrollment in to the Fellowship for one week only so you can hop in now if you don't want to miss that. More info on "what you get" in the Fellowship group right here. Click the pink button if you'd like to enroll and we'll get you rolling in all the juicy, psychology-informed content that the Fellowship offers, not to mention the quality community with other gospel-hungry, drama-free mamas.


Take a look inside the course, Your Shame, Crucified. Do YOU know what shame sounds like in your head? You better. ;) 

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