This is what Shame sounds like in your head...


A moment like that and the shame you feel after it might ruin an entire day with your kids. Or several days....

How much of your "one wild and precious life" is being quietly, subtly sabotaged by unmanaged shame? 

Jesus did not die on the cross for your sin so that you would still then spend your life wallowing in shame and guilt!

"It is for freedom that He has set us free." (Gal 5.1)

Like everything in life, shame is simply another experience we can use to trigger us (in a good way) to Jesus, to the cross, where the love of God was poured out for us.

It's time, my friend. It's time to use your shame to reawaken the joy of your salvation.

And then pass that on to your children.

What if you could leave them a legacy of knowing how to live freely and joyfully in the grace of your loving God?

Instead of a legacy of negativity, self-condemnation and conflict.

"If your actual sin and guilt has been crucified on the cross, there is no longer any need to sit in the feeling of shame."

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"Sara helped me know the Jesus I always wanted to know but didn't know I could know."

Liz Jones

"This course opened my eyes to God's deep deep love for me."

Elizabeth Martinez Balcha

"It made it so easily applicable to nearly every area of my life."

Kahlia Sullen

"I will not let shame keep me from doing what God has called me to do."

Bianka Innocente

Your Shame, Crucified

If your actual guilt has been crucified with Christ, then there is no need to sit in the feeling of it anymore.

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