Join The Fellowship

Bad Christian Moms

Transform your family by starting with yourself

through the life-changing experience of a professionally-led community that is committed to the transforming potential of the gospel.

As one of our beautiful clients, you learn to:


of the guilt and shame that puts you to bed at night


by learning to take your thoughts captive instead of spiraling destructively

BE more patient

rather than just fake it


the little moments with your kids instead of sabotaging it with the to-do list


of the resentment you harbor toward your husband


that your kids will want to stay connected and close (AND be interested in Jesus!)

Share the GOSPEL

with your kids in a humble, authentic and compelling way


your kids can have a happy mom

you stop missing out on their childhood and actually enjoy it

your marriage will be stronger than ever when the nest empties, rather than left in shambles

creativity and joy can dominate your family culture, rather than shame, anxiety, anger and disappointment

you can look forward to a lifetime of connection and conversations with your kids as they grow into adulthood



private membership community

  • curated, step-by-step content, walking you through the process of change
  • private, safe, motivated community of like-minded mamas all committed to working on their own transformation
  • 24/7 access to support, content and community
  • periodic group coaching and socializing opportunities
  • peer-led book studies
  • professionally moderated discussion forums for giving and receiving solid advice, feedback and encouragement

Kristie on Transformation:

"What’s happening here is real life change. This isn’t a gimmick. We’re talking life after life, marriage and motherhood...every single person in there, their life is changing for the better.”

Becky on Transformation:

"I love Jesus more than ever because of how you have helped me untangle and unlock the mess in my mind. It's totally worth it. It can change your life."

Watch More Testimonials From Clients Here